Walk my own path

No one will be here guiding me in this new place. Now is all on my own.

A fruitful 2022

Jason planned his training and visited different coaches occasionally to seek advice. He gathered information from people and utilized them.

It might not be super effective, but he did see results.

From 6.52m

Getting 3rd in Triple jump for my university!

To get the 3rd in triple jump for the university!

to 6.70m

to 6.74m

At this moment of rising, so much was happening in his life. He had to leave this place that he called home. Because he did not feel respected. His opinions were rejected. He found no sense of belonging to this place. He saw no hope and future in the city he grew up. He desperately wanted a place that appreciate his value and words. So he went on another adventure, another chapter of his journey. Many uncertainty and very little guidance, maybe it would change his trajectory of life, maybe not.

2023 Journey to the West (New Jersey)

From a concrete jungle with well-developed public transportation to suburbs, it was tough… Walking or jogging were the only options to go somewhere else.

A tiny rec center gym was the closest training facility he could get with a 30-minute walk.

He also worked full-time remotely as a premium auditor.

21 degrees? Nice weather to train!

Shocking his legs by all means

The struggles were real. There were numerous excuses he could use to stop training, and only a handful of reasons for him to keep going. What drove him forward was the relentless pursue of excellence. He refused to bow to the obstacles, refused to accept this was the end. Then why not conquer every barrier that blocks his road?

No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.
— Socrates

He did all these for half a year until he finally got transportation. He found himself a private coach, found meets to enter, and engaged in conversations with complete strangers. No one was there to guide. Sometimes he felt lost, but still, he tried his best to learn more about track and field in the US once he had the chance. Because he knew his mission was yet to be completed.



And of course, he reached the mark that he wanted. Hard work pays off, right?

I want to compete with the greats. I want to see a bigger world with my tiny feet.
— Jason

He thought his life would be easier with this little piece of evidence to prove his ability. Too young, too naive… the world of competitive track does not work like that…

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